Before using the electric vehicle, you should pay attention to check whether the electric vehicle is in good condition, such as whether the tire pressure is sufficient, whether the front and rear brakes are sensitive, whether the vehicle has any abnormal noise, whether the screws are loose, and whether the battery is fully charged.
When the vehicle is just started, it should accelerate slowly to avoid sudden acceleration and damage to components. In order to prolong the life of the battery and motor, the pedal assist should be applied when the vehicle starts and climbs a hill.
On the premise of ensuring safety, frequent braking and starting should be minimized during driving to save energy. When braking while driving, release the speed control lever to avoid damage to the motor and other parts.
When getting off the vehicle, the power should be turned off to prevent vehicle suddenly starts to cause an accident.
When charging, you should pay attention not to use other brands of chargers. The performance of each brand of chargers and batteries is matched. Only by pairing the chargers can you achieve good charging results.
The charger contains high-voltage lines, do not disassemble it without authorization. When charging, do not cover other items on the charger, and place it in a ventilated place. At the same time, pay attention to avoid liquid and metal particles entering the charger, and avoid falling and impact to avoid damage.
Charge electric vehicle equipment frequently to avoid “deep discharge”. When riding an electric vehicle, you should develop the habit of using the same day charging. No matter how far you ride every day, it is better to recharge the battery in the battery, and don’t wait until it runs out before charging.
When not in use for a long time, it should be charged once every month, and the battery should be fully charged and stored, and it should not be stored in a state of power loss.
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